Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
Website : SAGE Publications
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, City University of New York. Coauthor of The Part-Time Paradox, Women in Law, and others. Her contributions to SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (2009) formed the basis of her contributions to Britannica.
Primary Contributions (1)
Mirra Komarovsky was a Russian-born sociologist, one of the first to engage in theory and research on the cultural and structural barriers to women’s equality and to write about problems men and women face because of their designated roles in American society. Born in tsarist Russia to…
Publications (3)

Women in Law (Classics of Law & Society) (April 2012)
Universally considered to be pathbreaking, landmark, original, and provocative since its first edition was published three decades ago, Women in Law continues to provide a sociological and historical analysis of the overt and subtle ceilings placed on women in the legal profession in their various roles. It is a foundational work for departments of gender studies, law, and sociology — but also reads as accessible and interesting to a general audience.Adding a new foreword by Stanford's Deborah...

Encyclopedia of Gender and Society (2 Vol. Set) (November 2008)
2009 RUSA Outstanding ReferenceCHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009"Given both the interdisciplinarity of the field of gender scholarship and the immense significance of gender to both indviduals and societies, it is probably impossible to produce such a compendium. The editor, advisory team, and contributors are to be credited for tackling a project of such immense scope…O′Brien′s commitment to the possibility of a more-informed discourse on the highly complex and nuanced...

The Part-time Paradox: Time Norms, Professional Life, Family and Gender (December 1998)
Today's professionals, especially women, are caught in a time paradox: can they build a career and a family at the same time? The Part-time Paradox explores the conflict and tension between the time demands of career and family life, and the choice of part-time work as a solution.The changing demographics of the family and the work place make it increasingly difficult for both men and women to meet the escalating time pressures facing a doctor, lawyer or manager. This book examines the...