Dean W. Zimmerman
LOCATION: New Brunswick, NJ, United States
Dean Zimmerman is a professor of philosophy at Rutgers University and the keyboardist for Jigs and the Pigs. His primary research interests lie in metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. Serves as director of Metaphysical Mayhem (a biennial summer workshop for graduate students) and co-organizer, with Michael Rota, of the St. Thomas Summer Seminars in Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology. Zimmerman is also co-editor of the Oxford Studies in Metaphysics with Karen Bennett.
Primary Contributions (2)

Metaphysics, branch of philosophy whose topics in antiquity and the Middle Ages were the first causes of things and the nature of being. In postmedieval philosophy, however, many other topics came to be included under the heading “metaphysics.” (The reasons for this development will be discussed in…
Publications (3)

Metaphysics: The Big Questions (February 2008)
This extensively revised and expanded edition of van Inwagen and Zimmerman’s popular collection of readings in metaphysics now features twenty-two additional selections, new sections on existence and reality, and an updated editorial commentary. \n Collects classic and contemporary readings in metaphysics\n Answers some of the most puzzling questions about our world and our place in it\n Covers an unparalleled range of topics\n Now includes...

The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics (Oxford Handbooks) (November 2005)
The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics offers the most authoritative and compelling guide to this diverse and fertile field of philosophy. Twenty-four of the world's most distinguished specialists provide brand-new essays about "what there is": what kinds of things there are, and what relations hold among entities falling under various categories. They give the latest word on such topics as identity, modality, time, causation, persons and minds, freedom, and vagueness. The Handbook's unrivaled breadth...

Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: v.1 (Oxford studies in metaphysics) (March 2004)
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character: this new series will be a much-needed focus for it. OSM will offer a broad view of the subject, featuring not only the traditionally central topics such as existence, identity, modality, time, and causation, but also the rich clusters of metaphysical questions in neighbouring fields, such as philosophy of mind and philosophy...