Debra Heath-Thornton
Dean of Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies, Eastern University. Her contributions to SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (2002) formed the basis of her contributions to Britannica.
Primary Contributions (1)
Restorative justice, response to criminal behaviour that focuses on lawbreaker restitution and the resolution of the issues arising from a crime in which victims, offenders, and the community are brought together to restore the harmony between the parties. Restorative justice includes direct…
Publications (1)

Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment (March 2002)
"The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment provides the much-needed practices, policies, and research and will be of interest to students, teachers, and the general reader alike. This work should be on the shelves of all libraries with collections in the social sciences." Larry E. Sullivan, Ph.D. Chief Librarian, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Crime. It started with Cain and Abel, and it won′t end with the Sopranos. Our fascination with transgression and its punishment...