Ellen van Bueren
Primary Contributions (1)

Environmental policy, any measure by a government or corporation or other public or private organization regarding the effects of human activities on the environment, particularly those measures that are designed to prevent or reduce harmful effects of human activities on ecosystems. Environmental…
Publications (1)

Green Ethics and Philosophy: An A-to-Z Guide (The SAGE Reference Series on Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future-Series Editor: Paul Robbins) (June 2011)
Green Ethics and Philosophy: An A-to-Z Guide covers the moral relationship between humans and their natural environment, specifically targeting the contemporary green movement. Since the 1960s, green ethics and philosophies have helped give birth to the civil rights, feminist, and gay rights movements, as well as contemporary environmentalism. With a primary focus on green environmental ethics, this reference work, available in both print and electronic formats, presents approximately 150 signed...