Francis H. Shen
Website : SAGE Publications
Francis H. Shen is a faculty member in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He contributed an article on “Bone Mineral Density” to SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Global Health (2008), and a version of this article was used for his Britannica entry on this topic.
Primary Contributions (4)

Arthritis, inflammation of the joints and its effects. Arthritis is a general term, derived from the Greek words arthro-, meaning “joint,” and -itis, meaning “inflammation.” Arthritis can be a major cause of disability. In the United States, for example, data collected from 2007 to 2009 indicated…
Publications (1)

Encyclopedia of Global Health (4 Vol. Set ) (January 2008)
"A general reference for topics related to health worlwide, this encyclopedia is ambitious in its scope, with entries for specific diseases and conditions, geographical areas, health issues, biographical information, and organizations related to world health policy."―CHOICE"A useful, one-stop reference for health professionals and the general population alike that speaks to important changes and issues in global health; a foundation of knowledge essential for any library."―Library...