Graham A.J. Rogers
Website : G.A.J. Rogers at Keele University
Professor Emeritus of the History of Philosophy, Keele University. Editor of Locke's Philosophy: Content and Context and others; author of Locke's Enlightenment: Aspects of the Origin, Nature, and Impact of His Philosophy and others.
Primary Contributions (2)

John Locke was an English philosopher whose works lie at the foundation of modern philosophical empiricism and political liberalism,classical liberalism in particular. He was an inspirer of both the European Enlightenment and the Constitution of the United States. His philosophical thinking was…
Publications (2)

Locke's Philosophy: Content and Context (May 1997)
This volume of essays by a distinguished international group of scholars looks both at core areas of John Locke's philosophy and political theory and at areas not usually discussed--the links between his philosophy and his religious and political thought, the effects and implications of Locke's works in the world at the time, and the manifestations of those effects in the present day. Drawing on material not available until recently, the book is the first original collection of Locke scholarship...