Jonathan B. Levitt
Website : SAGE Publications
Associate Professor, Department of Biology, City College of New York. His contributions to SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of Perception (2010) formed the basis of his contributions to Britannica.
Primary Contributions (1)
Receptive field, region in the sensory periphery within which stimuli can influence the electrical activity of sensory cells. The receptive field encompasses the sensory receptors that feed into sensory neurons and thus includes specific receptors on a neuron as well as collectives of receptors…
Publications (1)

Encyclopedia of Perception (October 2009)
The field of perception is devoted to explaining the operation of the senses and the experiences and behaviors resulting from stimulation of the senses. Perceptual processes such as recognizing faces, seeing color, hearing music, and feeling pain represent the actions of complex mechanisms, yet we usually do them easily. The Encyclopedia of Perception presents a comprehensive overview of the field of perception through authoritative essays written by leading researchers and theoreticians in psychology,...