INSTITUTION: HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
LOCATION: Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Website : HudsonAlpha
Prior to joining the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in 2006, Dr. Neil Lamb was a faculty member in the Department of Human Genetics at Emory University’s School of Medicine. However, his career shifted from hands-on research to science education after realizing that he found his true calling: inspiring a passion for human genetics and biotechnology in others.
Today, Dr. Lamb leads the Educational Outreach team at HudsonAlpha in fostering a genomically-literate society and to inspiring and training tomorrow’s biotechnology workforce. Innovative teacher training, student experiences, public enrichment, classroom kits, and digital resources created by his team are reshaping how science education is delivered not only in Alabama but across the nation. This past year, more than 1.2 million students, educators, practitioners, and members of the general public were impacted by his team’s efforts.
In 2018, the National Science Teachers Association honored Dr. Lamb’s numerous contributions to the advancement of science education in naming him as the recipient of the Faraday Science Communicator Award. More recently, Dr. Lamb was appointed by Governor Kay Ivey to lead the Governor’s Advisory Council on Excellence in STEM, which resulted in the creation of Alabama’s Roadmap to STEM Success.
He received his B.S. degree in Molecular Biology from Auburn University and his Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology from Emory University.