Nicholas Brown
Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University. Author of Richard Downing: Economics, Advocacy and Social Reform in Australia (2001); coeditor of Managing Diversity: Practices of Citizenship (2007).
Primary Contributions (1)

New South Wales, state of southeastern Australia, occupying both coastal mountains and interior tablelands. It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east and the states of Victoria to the south, South Australia to the west, and Queensland to the north. New South Wales also includes Lord Howe…
Publications (1)

Richard Downing: Economic, Advocacy, and Social Reform in Australia (April 2002)
Richard 'Dick' Downing (1915-1975) was an influential and intriguing figure in Australian public life. In addition to his professional standing, many people will remember the high regard in which ordinary Australians held him. Today, such esteem for a public figure, let alone an economist, seems barely credible.Like H. C. 'Nugget' Coombs, Downing was one of the generation of capable young men whom World War II catapulted into positions of prominence. He was Professor of Economics at the University...