Professor of English, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Author of The Art of Biography; Richard the Third; and others.

"The best biography of Richard III that has been written."―A. L. Rowse, Chicago Tribune
Paul Murray Kendall's masterful account of the life of England's King Richard III has remained the standard biography of this controversial figure. 4 b/w illustrations.
Discusses the purpose of biography, looks at biographies from ancient Greece to modern times, and examines the techniques these biographers have used

The enthralling and little-known story of the ugly, fat, paranoid, and ruthless king known as "the universal spider" for his incessant machinations. In the year Louis XI was born, just after the 100 Years' War, England still ruled much of France. Unifying the land became his idée fixe, and through Louis' wiliness, network of spies, and willingness to forge alliances when needed, he succeeded in pulling the country out of anarchy and achieving his goal.