Peter W. Atkins
Fellow of Lincoln College, University of Oxford; Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford. Coauthor of Molecular Quantum Mechanics and many others; author of On Being and many others.
Primary Contributions (1)

Chemical bonding, any of the interactions that account for the association of atoms into molecules, ions, crystals, and other stable species that make up the familiar substances of the everyday world. When atoms approach one another, their nuclei and electrons interact and tend to distribute…
Publications (2)

On Being: A Scientist's Exploration of the Great Questions of Existence (November 2012)
Peter Atkins is the shining exception to the rule that scientists make poor writers. A Fellow at Oxford and a leading chemist, he has won admiration for his precise, lucid, and yet rigorous explanations of science. Now he turns his forensic mind to the greatest--and most controversial--questions of human existence: birth, death, the origin of reality, and its end. In On Being, Atkins makes a provocative contribution to the great debate between religion and science. Atkins makes his position...

Molecular Quantum Mechanics (December 2010)
Quantum mechanics embraces the behavior of all known forms of matter, including the atoms and molecules from which we, and all living organisms, are composed. Molecular Quantum Mechanics leads us through this absorbing yet challenging subject, exploring the fundamental physical principles that explain how all matter behaves.With the clarity of exposition and extensive learning features that have established the book as a leading text in the field, Molecular Quantum Mechanics takes us from...