Rebecca Posner
Professor of Romance Languages, University of Oxford. Author of The Romance Languages: A Linguistic Introduction and others; editor of Trends in Romance Linguistics and Philology (5 vol.).
Primary Contributions (11)
Vulgar Latin, spoken form of non-Classical Latin from which originated the Romance group of languages. Later Latin (from the 3rd century ce onward) is often called Vulgar Latin—a confusing term in that it can designate the popular Latin of all periods and is sometimes also used for so-called…
Publications (1)

The Romance Languages (Cambridge Language Surveys) (September 1996)
What is a Romance language? How is it related to other Romance languages, how did they all evolve, and what can they tell us about language in general? In this comprehensive survey Rebecca Posner, a distinguished Romance specialist, examines this group of languages from a wide variety of perspectives. Her analysis combines philological expertise with insights drawn from modern theoretical linguistics, and relates linguistic features to historical and sociological factors. Her discussion is extensively...