Tania Ramalho
Website : SAGE Publications
Associate Professor, School of Education, State University of New York at Oswego. Her contributions to SAGE Publications's Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent (2010) formed the basis of her contributions to Britannica.
Primary Contributions (2)

Chico Mendes was a Brazilian labour leader and conservationist who defended the interests of the seringueiros, or rubber tree tappers, in the Amazonian state of Acre, calling for land reform and preservation of the Amazon Rainforest. His activism won him recognition throughout Brazil and…
Publications (1)

Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent (January 2010)
For a free 30-day online trial to this title, visit www.sagepub.com/freetrialEducational reform, and to a lesser extent educational dissent, occupy a prominent place in the annals of U.S. education. Whether based on religious, cultural, social, philosophical, or pedagogical grounds, they are ever-present in our educational history. Although some reforms have been presented as a remedy for society′s ills, most programs were aimed toward practical transformation of the existing...