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Thomas O'Shea

Wildlife Biologist, Midcontinent Ecological Science Center, United States Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado. Former deputy chair, Sirenian Specialist Group, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).

Primary Contributions (4)
Features of dugongs and manatees compared.
Sirenian, (order Sirenia), any of four large aquatic mammalian species now living primarily in tropical waters where food plants grow. The three species of manatee (genus Trichechus) occupy warm latitudes of the coastal Atlantic and associated rivers, and the dugong (Dugong dugon) inhabits theā€¦
Publications (2)
Toxicology of Marine Mammals (New Perspectives: Toxicology and the Environment)
Toxicology of Marine Mammals (New Perspectives: Toxicology and the Environment) (December 2002)
The activities of modern society have unleashed a range of toxic chemicals into the global environment. Many of these toxicants are now being detected in increasing quantities in the tissues of marine mammals, most notably in top predators who acquire relatively large amounts of toxic chemicals by ingesting contaminated prey.Toxicology of Marine Mammals focuses on the effects of natural and introduced toxicants on organs and systems in marine mammals. It provides overviews on health status...
Politicians and Poachers: The Political Economy of Wildlife Policy in Africa (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)
Politicians and Poachers: The Political Economy of Wildlife Policy in Africa (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) (June 1999)
By Clark C. Gibson
Dugongs and manatees, the only fully aquatic herbivorous mammals, live in the coastal waters, rivers and lakes of more than 80 subtropical and tropical countries. Symbols of fierce conservation battles, sirenian populations are threatened by multiple global problems. Providing comparative information on all four surviving species, this book synthesises the ecological and related knowledge pertinent to understanding the biology and conservation of the sirenia. It presents detailed scientific summaries,...