Why are monolingual dictionaries better than bilingual ones? - Brian, Dominican Republic
Thank you for this interesting question. Of course, the answer depends upon which monolingual and which bilingual dictionary. For the sake of this answer, I will assume we are talking about full-length dictionaries of both types, and that the monolingual dictionary is one written for learners, such as Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary.
Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries both have advantages. The chief advantages of a bilingual dictionary are its brevity and simplicity. In a bilingual dictionary, you can look up a word from the target language (the language you are learning), and you will see a direct translation for this word in your native language, without having to navigate text in the target language that you may not easily understand. This makes a bilingual dictionary quick and easy for a learner at any level to access.
The main advantage of monolingual dictionaries is that they provide more comprehensive information about the target language. This information can include additional meanings of a target word, more examples of how the word is used in context, and, embedded in these examples, useful information about the grammatical behavior of the word.
For example, in the monolingual entry for the adjective critical, below, we can see that critical has five distinct senses (=meanings), and there are multiple full-length example sentences illustrating how critical is used when it carries each of these senses. With these example sentences, idioms and collocations with the word critical are highlighted in bold, and explanations of their meanings are provided in brackets [ ]. In addition, the comparative ("more critical") and superlative ("most critical") forms of this adjective are shown at the beginning of each sense. However, it is important to emphasize that this material would not be appropriate for a beginning or intermediate reader of English.
Finally there is, among English teachers, a belief that the process of using a monolingual dictionary aids a student’s process of second language acquisition. Not all teachers share this view, however.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Thank you for writing.
1 [more critical; most critical] : expressing criticism or disapproval
▪ You're always so critical. ▪ They are often critical of the mayor's policies. [=they often criticize the mayor's policies]
2 : of or relating to the judgments of critics about books, movies, art, etc.
▪ The book received much critical acclaim. [=many critics said good things about the book] ▪ critical writings/theory ▪ The movie was a critical success [=critics liked the movie], but it didn't make much money.
3 : using or involving careful judgment about the good and bad parts of something
▪ The program presents a critical analysis of the government's strategies. ▪ She has a talent for critical thinking. ▪ We need to look at these proposed changes with a critical eye before we accept them.
4 [more critical; most critical] : extremely important
▪ We have reached a critical phase of the experiment. ▪ It is absolutely critical [=vital, essential] for us to remain together. ▪ This is a matter of critical importance to the future of our country.
5 [more critical; most critical] medical : relating to or involving a great danger of death
▪ He suffered critical injuries in the accident. ▪ The patient is in critical condition. = The patient is critical. [=the patient is very sick or injured and may die] ▪ a nurse who specializes in critical care [=the care of patients who are in critical condition] ▪ patients who are on the critical list — sometimes used figuratively ▪ a government program that is on the critical list [=that is in danger of failing or being eliminated]