The adverb namely is often set off by the use of a comma.
The comma can be used in every possible combination with the word namely, but it's worth looking closely at each of them.
The comma is most often used just before namely:
They brought lunch, namely sandwiches and soda.
The scene showed off his best qualities, namely his quick wit and perfect timing.
The gallery is situated in a home, namely the former residence of Andrew Carnegie.
When the comma comes after namely, there is usually also a dash:
That is the accusation against the former governor -- namely, that he tried to take money in exchange for the position.
These are the building blocks of human genetic inheritance -- namely, genes.
But I have faith in some of the old technology, too -- namely, books.
Sometimes namely is surrounded by commas:
Listen to his most original work of art, namely, the album 'Kind of Blue.'
We should ask some teachers, namely, the math and science department heads.
Without commas, namely is most often seen set off by dashes:
The children face obstacles -- namely bad schools and poverty -- that could limit their opportunities.
The new law would require a further regulation -- namely that bankers are paid only if a deal is completed.