English Civil Wars: Media
English history
When Christmas became illegal
What if celebrating Christmas could get you thrown in jail?
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Battle of Naseby
Battle of Naseby, by an unknown artist. The victory of the Parliamentarian...
© Photos.com/Getty Images
G. Glover, after Edward Bower: John Pym
John Pym, detail of an engraving by G. Glover, 1644, after a portrait by Edward Bower.
Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum
Battle of Edgehill during the English Civil Wars
Prince Rupert leading the Royalist cavalry against the Parliamentary force at the...
Universal History Archive/Shutterstock.com
Battle of Marston Moor
Rupert's Standard at Marston Moor, watercolour by Abraham Cooper, 1822....
Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library
Battle of Naseby
Strategic plan for the Battle of Naseby, June 14, 1645; from Anglia Rediviva...
The British Library/Robana/REX/Shutterstock.com
Marquess of Montrose
Marquess of Montrose, portrait miniature after a painting by W. Dobson; in the Wallace...
Courtesy of the trustees of the Wallace Collection, London
James Butler, 1st duke of Ormonde
James Butler, 1st duke of Ormonde, detail of a painting after Sir Peter Lely, c....
Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery, London
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