Pact of Halepa
- Also called:
- Treaty of Halepa
- Halepa also spelled:
- Khalépa
- Date:
- October 1878
- Participants:
- Ottoman Empire
Pact of Halepa, convention signed in October 1878 at Khalépa, a suburb of Canea, by which the Turkish sultan Abdülhamid II (ruled 1876–1909) granted a large degree of self-government to Greeks in Crete as a means to quell their insurrection against Turkish overlords. It supplemented previous concessions to the Cretans—e.g., the Organic Law Constitution (1868) and the Cyprus Convention (July 4, 1878), which had been consummated as part of the Treaty of Berlin after the Russian defeat of the Turks in 1878.
Specifically, the Halepa treaty broadened the rights of Christians in Crete by granting them preference for official posts and a majority in the General Assembly. Greek was declared the official language of the assembly and courts, insular revenues were reduced, and provisions for public works were made. The Greek governor-general, Photiádes Pasha, administered the reforms, which marked the apex of liberal Turkish rule.
Insurrections recurred in 1889, causing the sultan to nullify the treaty. He tried to reinstate it in 1896, but to no avail, because the Cretans had by then decided to agitate for union with Greece.