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Soweto Uprising: Media
South African history
How did apartheid change South Africa?
Three decades after apartheid, South Africa is still considered the most unequal...
Video: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
1976 Soweto Uprising
Demonstrators protesting the South African government's plans to impose the Afrikaans...
AP Images
1976 Soweto Uprising
A protest sign proclaiming “To Hell with Afrikaans” that was used during the Soweto...
Gideon Mendel—Corbis Historical/Getty Images
1976 Soweto Uprising
Soweto youths kneeling in front of the police, holding their hands in the air while...
Jan Hamman/Foto24—Gallo Images/Getty Images
Hector Pieterson Museum, Soweto, South Africa
Entrance to the Hector Pieterson Museum, two blocks from where Pieterson was shot...
© Giuseppemasci/
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