Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton
- Date:
- June 26, 1995
- Location:
- United States
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 1995, ruled (6–3) that an Oregon school board’s random drug-testing policy for student athletes was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
In response to concerns about increased drug use among students, the school board of Vernonia, Oregon, instituted a drug-testing policy for student athletes in 1989. The policy focused on student athletes because the board viewed them as leaders of drug abuse activities in their high school and because there were concerns that drug use would increase the risk of sports-related injuries. The policy required all those who wished to play on interscholastic athletic teams to submit to drug testing by urinalysis.
In 1991 James Acton, a seventh-grade student, was suspended from interscholastic athletics for a season after he and his parents refused to sign a consent form for drug testing. The Actons subsequently filed a lawsuit. The district court upheld the policy, but the appellate court reversed that decision on the grounds that the policy violated the Fourth Amendment and the Oregon Constitution.

The case was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on March 28, 1995. The Court noted that the Fourth Amendment, which forbids the federal government from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures, was extended (by the Fourteenth Amendment) to cover searches and seizures by state officers, including those at public schools. Since the collection and testing of urine under the school policy was a search and thus subject to the Fourth Amendment, it was necessary to turn to the question of reasonableness. To that end, the Court pointed out that even though school officials are agents of the state, they have the authority to act in loco parentis in safeguarding the children in their care as a result of their custodial and tutelary relationship with students. The Court then cited the fact that schoolchildren are already subjected to physical examinations, such as scoliosis testing, and to various vaccinations. According to the justices, student athletes have a lesser expectation of privacy than their peers who are not athletes. The Court noted that locker rooms offer little privacy and that student athletes voluntarily subject themselves to a greater degree of regulation as well. In addition, the school policy featured various privacy safeguards, such as requiring monitors to stand at a distance while athletes provided the urine samples. Lastly, the Court took the view that the board had articulated an important interest in light of its wish to deter drug use by student athletes and to keep them from harm. On the basis of those findings, the Court found that the school policy met the Fourth Amendment’s reasonableness requirement and was thus constitutional. The appellate court’s decision was vacated and remanded.