department store

department store, retail establishment that sells a wide variety of goods. These usually include ready-to-wear apparel and accessories for adults and children, yard goods and household textiles, small household wares, furniture, electrical appliances and accessories, and, often, food. These goods are separated into divisions and departments supervised by managers and buyers. There are also departmental divisions of merchandising, advertising, service, accounting, and budgetary control.
Department stores are often classified according to the kinds of goods they carry and the prices they charge; typical categories include discount, general merchandise, fashion or high fashion, and specialty. Many offer additional services, including gift wrapping, alterations, delivery, and personal shopping.
The development of department stores was linked to the growth in the 19th century of large population centres, transportation, and the harnessing of electricity for power and lighting. The Bon Marché in Paris, which began as a small shop in the early 19th century, is widely considered the first department store. John Wanamaker carried the concept to the United States in 1875 by purchasing a rail-freight depot in his native Philadelphia and populating it with a collection of specialty retailers. Among his innovations were the introduction of price tags and the development of aggressive advertising programs for his growing chain of stores. (He quipped that, while half of his company’s advertising budget was wasted, he could never identify which half that was.)