investment credit

investment credit, tax incentive that permits businesses to deduct a specified percentage of certain investment costs from their tax liability, in addition to the normal allowances for depreciation (q.v.). Investment credits are similar to investment allowances, which permit businesses to deduct a specified percentage of certain capital costs from their taxable income.
Both investment credits and investment allowances differ from accelerated depreciation by offering a percentage deduction at the time an asset is purchased, in addition to its full depreciation allowances. In effect, they are subsidies for investment. Proponents of investment credits argue that they are easier to use than depreciation allowances and that they apply equally to all businesses or individuals regardless of their tax rate. Opponents claim that the investment credit favours wealthier investors, although few deny that it does provide an incentive to investment.
Investment credits and investment allowances were adopted by the United States in 1962 in order to protect domestic business from foreign competition, but they were eliminated in the Tax Reform Act of 1969 in an attempt to counteract rising inflation. The U.K. has also experimented with investment allowances, but in the late 1960s it changed the allowance to a direct government subsidy.