location theory

- Key People:
- Johann Heinrich von Thünen
location theory, in economics and geography, theory concerned with the geographic location of economic activity; it has become an integral part of economic geography, regional science, and spatial economics. Location theory addresses the questions of what economic activities are located where and why. The location of economic activities can be determined on a broad level such as a region or metropolitan area, or on a narrow one such as a zone, neighbourhood, city block, or an individual site.
Johann Heinrich von Thünen, a Prussian landowner, introduced an early theory of agricultural location in Der isolierte Staat (1826) (The Isolated State). The Thünen model suggests that accessibility to the market (town) can create a complete system of agricultural land use. His model envisaged a single market surrounded by farmland, both situated on a plain of complete physical homogeneity. Transportation costs over the plain are related only to the distance traveled and the volume shipped. The model assumes that farmers surrounding the market will produce crops which have the highest market value (highest rent) that will give them the maximum net profit (the location, or land, rent). The determining factor in the location rent will be the transportation costs. When transportation costs are low, the location rent will be high, and vice versa. This situation produces a rent gradient along which the location rent decreases with distance from the market, eventually reaching zero. The Thünen model also addressed the location of intensive versus extensive agriculture in relation to the same market. Intensive agriculture will possess a steep gradient and will locate closer to the market than extensive agriculture. Different crops will possess different rent gradients. Perishable crops (vegetables and dairy products) will possess steep gradients while less perishable crops (grains) will possess less steep gradients.
In 1909 the German location economist Alfred Weber formulated a theory of industrial location in his book entitled Über den Standort der Industrien (Theory of the Location of Industries, 1929). Weber’s theory, called the location triangle, sought the optimum location for the production of a good based on the fixed locations of the market and two raw material sources, which geographically form a triangle. He sought to determine the least-cost production location within the triangle by figuring the total costs of transporting raw material from both sites to the production site and product from the production site to the market. The weight of the raw materials and the final commodity are important determinants of the transport costs and the location of production. Commodities that lose mass during production can be transported less expensively from the production site to the market than from the raw material site to the production site. The production site, therefore, will be located near the raw material sources. Where there is no great loss of mass during production, total transportation costs will be lower when located near the market.

Once a least-transport-cost location had been established within the triangle, Weber attempted to determine a cheap-labour alternate location. First he plotted the variation of transportation costs against the least-transport-cost location. Next he identified sites around the triangle that had lower labour costs than did the least-transport-cost location. If the transport costs were lower than the labour costs, then a cheap-labour alternative location was determined.
Another major contribution to location theory was Walter Christaller’s formulation of the central place theory, which offered geometric explanations as to how settlements and places are located in relation to one another and why settlements function as hamlets, villages, towns, or cities.
William Alonso (Location and Land Use: Toward a General Theory of Land Rent, 1964) built upon the Thünen model to account for intra-urban variations in land use. He attempted to apply accessibility requirements to the city centre for various types of land use (housing, commercial, and industry). According to his theory, each land use type has its own rent gradient or bid rent curve. The curve sets the maximum amount of rent any land use type will yield for a specific location. Households, commercial establishments, and industries compete for locations according to each individual bid rent curve and their requirements for access to the city centre. All households will attempt to occupy as much land as possible while staying within their accessibility requirements. Since land is cheaper at the fringe of the city, households with less need for city centre accessibility will locate near the fringe; these will usually be wealthy households. Poor households require greater accessibility to the city centre and therefore will locate near the centre, competing with commercial and industrial establishments. This will tend to create a segregated land use system, because households will not pay commercial and industrial land prices for central locations.
The Thünen, Weber, Alonso, and Christaller models are not the sole contributors to location theory, but they are its foundation. These theories have been expanded upon and refined by geographers, economists, and regional scientists.