
Price refers to the amount of money required to purchase a product or service. Price can also be seen as a measure of a product’s value, insofar as people are willing to pay a certain monetary amount to buy it.
(Read Milton Friedman’s Britannica entry on money.)
Price plays an essential role in the economy. When prices are allowed to change naturally without intervention, they help to facilitate the distribution of goods and services to people who want them. Prices also help indicate supply and demand—how much of certain products people need—so that producers can determine how much to produce. This system is called the “price mechanism,” and it assumes prices naturally move until the supply of a product matches demand.

If there’s too much product supply, prices go down, and producers respond by making less. If there’s not enough of a product to meet demand, prices rise. Accordingly, producers make more of the product until there’s enough for everyone. Thus, price plays a critical role in establishing an equilibrium between supply and demand.
Prices have three primary functions:
- Prices help producers decide which goods to produce and how much to make.
- Prices help determine how to produce goods.
- Prices determine who will get the goods.
These goods can include any kind of product, service, or labor that people are willing to buy. In each case, the more people want a given product, the higher they’ll bid up prices. Producers respond by making more. The reverse is also true. In short, the price system gives producers and consumers an actionable measure of supply and demand.
With all this said, there’s no such thing as totally free and uncontrolled movement in prices. There is no unfettered price mechanism. Even in economies that operate on a relative “free market” basis, there are still monopolies, government interventions, and other conditions that interfere with price as a mechanism to help balance supply and demand. In some centrally planned economies, governments may choose to implement price controls for various political and social reasons.
Economies that try to operate without any price mechanisms often experience surpluses of goods people don’t want, shortages of goods people need, black markets, and slow, inconsistent, or no economic growth.