September 20, 2022
Without relying on the automatic response to cold or fright, a small percentage of people can voluntarily give themselves piloerections (the technical term for goosebumps).

Do We Really Use Only 10 Percent of Our Brain?
There’s a widespread belief that we use only a very small portion of our brain. Could it be true?
Get One Good Fact delivered to your inbox every day.
Sep 19
What do NFL, NBA, and MLB trophies have in common? -
Sep 18
What luxury car brand began by selling tractors? -
Sep 17
What technology is named for a Viking king? -
Sep 16
Which “orange” came first: the fruit or the color? -
Sep 15
What garment was created using two jock straps? -
Sep 14
The search for what footage inspired the creation of YouTube? -
Sep 13
How do the Japanese reuse broken baseball bats? -
Sep 12
Where can you visit France without leaving North America? -
Sep 11
What color are Martian sunsets? -
Sep 10
Why does Billy the Kid have two graves?