January 30, 2023
Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León never looked for the Fountain of Youth. The tale was concocted years after his death by a chronicler who wanted him to appear foolish.

Did the Vikings Discover America?
Learn how the Vikings beat Christopher Columbus to America by 500 years.
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Jan 29
Does Earth have any way to avoid an asteroid? -
Jan 28
America tried to build a canal across what state? -
Jan 27
What else has been kept in Fort Knox? -
Jan 26
What famous people are buried at libraries? -
Jan 25
Elvis named his horse after what TV show? -
Jan 24
How many times can you fold a piece of paper? -
Jan 23
What TV show names its characters after streets in Portland? -
Jan 22
Why is fish eaten for Chinese New Year? -
Jan 21
A fly named after Beyoncé has what distinct feature? -
Jan 20
How did Catholicism change the McDonald’s menu?