October 02, 2024
Telescopes typically use concave glass mirrors to focus light from outer space, but these can be expensive and fragile. Liquid mirror telescopes use a spinning vat of mercury, the motion of which creates a parabola to achieve the same effect for a lower price.

12 Questions About the History of Space Exploration Answered
How to go boldly where no (or, at least, not many) humans have gone before.
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Oct 01
Why were Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays briefly banned from baseball? -
Sep 30
How many silent era films have been lost to time? -
Sep 29
North America was once named after what plentiful creature? -
Sep 28
What is a “peace tree”? -
Sep 27
How did marine fossils end up on top of Mount Everest? -
Sep 26
Where do “fish rains” supposedly happen each year? -
Sep 25
Why did some bird-watchers have a problem with televised golf? -
Sep 24
Who got to the Oval Office without being on a presidential ticket? -
Sep 23
How easy is it to drown in quicksand? -
Sep 22
The name of what body part means “little doll” in Latin?