October 27, 2024
The wheel spider of Namibia escapes danger by going on one side and cartwheeling away. It can spin 44 times a second.

Do We Really Swallow Spiders in Our Sleep?
You may have heard that spiders crawl into your mouth while you’re sleeping. Is that true?
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Oct 26
What speedy raptor is related to the parrot? -
Oct 25
What sports song was written by a person who’d never been to a game? -
Oct 24
How did the U.S. military influence fast-food drive-throughs? -
Oct 23
Six Nobel Prizes have been awarded for studying what unglamorous animal? -
Oct 22
What non-U.S. country has a capital named for a U.S. president? -
Oct 21
Why did olive farmers have a problem with cigarette packaging? -
Oct 20
What road can “sing” a song? -
Oct 19
What aspect of your appearance might get you called a “bluey” in Australia? -
Oct 18
What musician earned a fifth-degree black belt at age 80? -
Oct 17
What country has no mosquitos?