January 16, 2024
Running for an hour, a gas-powered lawn mower produces about the same emissions as 11 new cars combined.

What's the Difference Between Global Warming and Climate Change?
Why are these concepts often confused with each another?
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Jan 15
Why were baby artichokes once banned in New York City? -
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Why does Bulgaria fire rockets at clouds? -
Jan 13
What sci-fi phrase was used by a NASA astronaut? -
Jan 12
What historic artist dissected 30 corpses? -
Jan 11
What does Mexico ban on election day? -
Jan 10
The king of what Middle Eastern country has a British mum? -
Jan 09
What happens when bankers go on strike? -
Jan 08
What is unusual about Berklee College’s name? -
Jan 07
What African animal is thriving in New Mexico? -
Jan 06
Why was a person giving CPR shooed out of a sumo ring?