September 16, 2023
Although the exact number varies from model to model, smartphones contain about 80 percent of all the nonradioactive elements on the periodic table.

Your smartphone is not making you dumber — digital tech can enhance our cognitive abilities
As we become increasingly reliant on smartphones, tablets and computers, conventional wisdom tells us that over-reliance on technology may take away from our ability to remember, pay attention and exercise self control, however, such fears that technology would supplant cognition may not be well founded.
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Sep 15
Why do male giraffes drink urine? -
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Who wears an 11-ton hat? -
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What country does not have a rectangular flag? -
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What famous martial artist was also an award-winning dancer? -
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A victim predicted what disaster 26 years before it occurred? -
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Why was Hitler’s dental assistant imprisoned for 10 years? -
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Why do humans only eat about a third of all the fish they catch? -
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Besides peanuts, what other crop did George Washington Carver specialize in?