December 28, 2023
Norwegians use the word “Texas” to describe something that is wild or out-of-control. (“Last night’s party was completely Texas.”)

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Dec 27
How old is the 365-day calendar? -
Dec 26
What historical event inspired the creation of Kwanzaa? -
Dec 25
What unusual gift did Santa bring Union soldiers? -
Dec 24
What objects do Icelanders swap on Christmas Eve? -
Dec 23
What unlikely variety is “the nation’s Christmas tree”? -
Dec 22
What bodily feature did Santa have insured? -
Dec 21
Why did a restaurant chain suddenly need 700 new locks? -
Dec 20
What animal’s liver is toxic to humans? -
Dec 19
What species other than humans plays with snowballs? -
Dec 18
Why do parts of Antarctica get hotter than 170 °F?