June 02, 2023
Annie Taylor was the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel. She was an underemployed charm school teacher looking to make extra money through the stunt. She went over the falls in October 1901 on her 63rd birthday.

7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Festivals
Ferocious animals. Explosives. Fights, with food and without.
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Jun 01
Why is June Gay Pride month? -
May 31
How did tuberculosis influence the creation of cowboy hats? -
May 30
What fruit was so valuable stealing it was a felony? -
May 29
Why were beards once taxed? -
May 28
What exactly happened in ancient Roman vomitoriums? -
May 27
What animal produces the largest single cells on Earth? -
May 26
What culture had 72 microseasons? -
May 25
What surprising task was the chainsaw invented for? -
May 24
What favorite ingredient is created by plants as a pesticide? -
May 23
What patriotic tune uses music from another country’s national anthem?