August 20, 2023
In 1943, while trying to create a set of springs to stabilize maritime instruments in rough seas, Richard James inadvertently knocked some springs off a shelf and watched them “walk.” This inspired his creation, the Slinky.

Where Did the Idea for the Magic 8 Ball Come From?
A brief history about how the dangerous billiard ball became a fortune-telling party favorite.
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Aug 19
What state name is missing a letter on the Liberty Bell -
Aug 18
How did the state of Washington get its name? -
Aug 17
What objects were once nicknamed “the last argument of kings”? -
Aug 16
How much blood does it take to get one billion red blood cells? -
Aug 15
What legendary battle lasted only 30 seconds? -
Aug 14
What insect produces milk more nutritious than a cow’s? -
Aug 13
What superhero got his current look because of a printing error? -
Aug 12
What beverage’s name means “water of life”? -
Aug 11
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? -
Aug 10
Where did heavy metal’s horn hand gesture come from?