April 29, 2023
Because ranch isn’t as well-known in European markets, the Doritos flavor “Cool Ranch” is marketed overseas as “Cool Original” or “Cool American.”

A World of Food Quiz
In what country might you sit down to a smorgasbord? Why is durian fruit banned in several places? Take a trip around the world in this study of global cuisine.
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Apr 28
Where can the public mine diamonds? -
Apr 27
What lifesaving practice did Cher, Ronald Reagan, and Carrie Fisher all experience? -
Apr 26
What are the odds of surviving a lighting strike? -
Apr 25
Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” was almost what other animal? -
Apr 24
What fruit set off early radiation detectors? -
Apr 23
What famous writer’s skull is missing from his tomb? -
Apr 22
What animal once took down a stock exchange? -
Apr 21
What measuring scale was originally backwards? -
Apr 20
Why did government officials sit in on royal childbirth? -
Apr 19
How did Encyclopaedia Britannica help save Antarctic explorers?