August 14, 2022
Shepherds on La Gomera in the Canary Islands use a whistling language to communicate over long distances. Messages can be carried across the island’s canyons as far as two miles.

What Does the Rosetta Stone Say?
The inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone were the key to unlocking the literature of ancient Egypt. But what do the inscriptions say?
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How can you tell real gold from fool’s gold? -
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How many fish are in the sea? -
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What was the loudest noise recorded on Earth? -
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What is unique about gorilla noses? -
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What happens if you plant a coffee bean? -
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How did dinosaurs attract mates? -
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Who else lives at 10 Downing Street? -
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What four-legged creature is the whale's closest relative? -
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What’s the most expensive thing ever built?