December 23, 2024
When Germany invaded Norway during World War II, Norway’s king and government fled to London. Since 1947 Norway has repaid that city’s hospitality by furnishing it with a massive Christmas tree each year.

What’s the point of holiday gifts?
Gift exchanges may seem wasteful and impractical, but as social scientific research reveals, the costs and benefits of gift-giving aren’t what they seem.
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Dec 22
What classic Christmas character might have been named Rollo? -
Dec 21
Which holiday song is the biggest-selling single of all time? -
Dec 20
What actress thought she once worked with the real Santa Claus? -
Dec 19
Why are Santa’s reindeer likely female? -
Dec 18
What holiday plant can grow twice as tall as the average Christmas tree? -
Dec 17
What Christmas decoration was once commonly made of lead? -
Dec 16
Which parts of the U.S. grow the most Christmas trees? -
Dec 15
How many times has the United States lacked a vice president? -
Dec 14
What did Mozart’s partner do after moving to Pennsylvania? -
Dec 13
How likely is overcoming a fear of flying?