May 11, 2023
In 1816 a French physician who did not want to put his ear on a female patient’s breast used a rolled up paper tube instead to listen to her heartbeat. This was the first stethoscope.

The Strange, Grisly History of the First Blood Transfusion
Jean-Baptiste Denis performed the first direct blood transfusion on June 15, 1667, and it seemed to be a success. Then the procedure was banned. Why?
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May 10
Where can you find babies napping outside in freezing weather? -
May 09
What cute creature’s been implicated in the extinction of dozens of species? -
May 08
What two states entered the union at the exact same time? -
May 07
Members of what religion are banned from the British throne? -
May 06
What item is placed under the British Coronation Chair? -
May 05
Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico’s triumph over which non-Spanish force? -
May 04
Crayola’s top crayon maker had what ironic condition? -
May 03
Who once lived where Arlington National Cemetery now sits? -
May 02
How much does it cost to use the Panama Canal? -
May 01
Inuits inspired what modern culinary convenience?