October 21, 2022
In 2005 the Korean Baseball Organization ruled cabbage a “foreign substance” after a pitcher tucked some under his hat to keep cool. The pitcher started the unusual practice because he’d heard Babe Ruth allegedly did the same thing.

Here’s one way to burn less fossil fuel – use human energy to heat buildings instead
Using the warmth we generate from our own bodies to heat our buildings could help fight climate change by cutting fossil fuel use.
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Oct 20
Where is a watermelon a vegetable? -
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What fruit digests insects? -
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Who supposedly survived 600 assassination attempts? -
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How can some humans survive drinking arsenic? -
Oct 16
What valuable material rains from the sky on Neptune? -
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What major city was once traded for nutmeg? -
Oct 14
What American fast food is a Christmas staple in Japan? -
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What animal doesn’t need to drink water? -
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What Star Wars character is also known as “Arturito”? -
Oct 11
What kitchen staple was once called “Russian penicillin”?