May 25, 2022
Medieval bakers included extra goods in their deliveries to avoid being thrown in jail for short-changing customers—hence, “baker’s dozen.”

7 Everyday English Idioms and Where They Come From
How did the proof get in the pudding? Britannica spills the beans on some of the most common idioms!
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May 24
What letter starts more words than any other? -
May 23
What was the first domesticated animal? -
May 22
Which continent is technically a desert? -
May 21
Which countries are “doubly landlocked”? -
May 20
What’s the longest-lived vertebrate animal? -
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What facial feature is unique to humans? -
May 18
Who invented the “Chinese takeout container”? -
May 17
Which country uses 99 percent renewable energy? -
May 16
Helicopters are used to dry which fruit? -
May 15
How much horsepower do horses have?