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Imari ware plate
Imari, or Arita, ware plate, made c. 1660–90 in Arita (near Imari), Kyushu, Japan.
Imari, city, western Saga ken (prefecture), northwestern Kyushu, Japan. It is situated on deeply indented Imari Bay. The two islands of Taka and Fuku in the bay form a natural mole, protecting the city’s harbour.
Imari was once a base for Japanese pirates. By the Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867) it had become the trade and shipping centre for the fine porcelain (called Imari, or Arita, ware) manufactured at Arita, 6 miles (10 km) south. Porcelain has since been produced at Okawachiyama, the southern part of Imari. The city also has lumber, marine products, and petrochemical industries. Pop. (2010) 57,161; (2015) 55,238.