- Also called:
- Shushan
- Greek:
- Susiane
- Modern:
- Shush
- Related Topics:
- Elamite language
- Guti
- Related Places:
- Iran
- Elam
- Persia
- ancient Iran
Susa, capital of Elam (Susiana) and administrative capital of the Achaemenian king Darius I and his successors from 522 bce. It was located at the foot of the Zagros Mountains near the bank of the Karkheh Kūr (Choaspes) River in the Khuzistan region of Iran.
The archaeological site, identified in 1850 by W.K. Loftus, consists of four mounds. One held the citadel and was excavated (1897–1908) by Jacques de Morgan, who uncovered, among other objects, the obelisk of the Akkadian king Manishtusu, the stele of his successor Naram-Sin, and the code of Hammurabi of Babylon. A second mound to the east was the location of the palace of Darius I and was excavated (c. 1881) by Marcel Dieulafoy. A third mound to the south contained the royal Elamite city, while the fourth mound consisted of the poorer houses.
The finest pottery was found in the lowest strata and belonged to two different civilizations, both Neolithic. Above the early strata were remains of Elamite and early Babylonian civilizations. In the upper portions of the mounds Achaemenian, Greek, Elamite, Parthian, and Sāsānian remains were found. Until sometime after the 14th century ce the city was a flourishing centre of a district known for silk, sugarcane, and oranges.