- Related Topics:
- Angiopteris
- Eupodium
- Ptisana
- Christensenia
- Psaronius
Marattiaceae, the giant fern family (order Marattiales), comprising six genera and some 150 modern species found throughout tropical and subtropical regions. Marattiaceae is the only family in its order, and it is generally considered to be one of the most primitive extant families of ferns.
Members of the family are large ferns with stout erect stems. The leaves (fronds) may be very large in some species, such as Angiopteris evecta, which can reach 7–9 metres (23–30 feet) in length.
The genera are distinguished mainly by the disposition of the sporangia (spore-producing structures), which occur on the lower side of the leaves. Angiopteris has separate sporangia. Marattia, Ptisana, and Eupodium (the latter two having been formerly placed in Marattia) have the sporangia united in clusters called synangia, which are paired along each side of certain leaf veins and open toward the leaflet axis in this genus. Danaea has single synangia, sometimes extending from the midrib of the leaflet to the margin and open at the terminal end. The genus Christensenia has the synangia circular in outline, rather than oval, and features unusual palmately compound leaves.

The genus of extinct ferns Psaronius, found from the Carboniferous Period through the Permian Period (roughly 358.9 million to 251.9 million years ago), is considered to be either a member of the Marattiaceae or very closely related to it.