- Related Topics:
- lamb’s lettuce
- Valerianella
- Valeriana
- Patrinia
- common valerian
Valerianoideae, the valerian subfamily of the family Caprifoliaceae (order Dipsacales), containing about 7 genera and about 315 species of annual and perennial herbs, a few outstanding as ornamentals, as salad or pot herbs, and as sources of medicines and perfumes. Though formerly treated as its own family (Valerianaceae), Valerianoideae is categorized as a subfamily by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group IV (APG IV) botanical classification system. It is also sometimes designated as an informal clade.
The largest genus, Valeriana, contains about 200 species and is best known for common valerian (V. officinalis), occasionally as tall as 1.5 metres (5 feet). The species is native to Eurasia and is naturalized in North America, where other members of the genus are native. It has divided leaves and sweetly fragrant pinkish white heads of small blooms. A spicy perfume extracted from the roots sometimes is used as a substitute for spikenard. A sedative and carminative also is obtained from the roots.
Two Mediterranean species of the genus Valerianella, grown for their long undivided leaves that are used in salads and as pot herbs, are lamb’s lettuce (V. locusta) and Italian corn salad (V. eriocarpa). The genus has about 80 members, mostly Eurasian; a few are native or naturalized in North America.

Red valerian, or Jupiter’s-beard (Centranthus ruber), native to the Mediterranean, is widely naturalized in British meadows, on roadsides, and on walls. Its billowy masses of pink, white, or red tiny fragrant blooms are borne on stems sometimes reaching 90 cm (3 feet).
Other ornamental species are Fedia cornucopiae, an annual with red flower clusters from the Mediterranean; Plectritis congesta, a rose-pink-flowered annual from northwestern North America; and members of the Eurasian genus Patrinia, perennials with yellow or white flowers. Spikenard (Nardostachys grandiflora, sometimes N. jatamansi) is a perennial herb of the Himalayas that produces an essential oil in its woody rhizomes; it is listed as a critically endangered species by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.