almendro, (Dipteryx oleifera), large tree in the pea family (Fabaceae) native to tropical forests of Central America. Almendro wood is extremely heavy and dense, making it useful for construction projects such as railroad building and for high-impact sporting goods. Ecologically, the plant is considered a keystone species. Its fruits are an important source of food for more than 100 species of animals during the dry season.
Almendro trees can reach up to 40 metres (131 feet) in height and feature a large forking trunk and a graceful rounded crown. Bunches of showy flowers are produced at the end of the tree’s branches after the onset of the rainy season, so that within a month or two the forest canopy is speckled with the purple crowns of flowering almendro. The hard wood is covered by smooth pinkish-to-golden bark. The fruit, weighing 18–26 grams (0.6–0.9 ounce), contains a single seed encased in a thick wooden pod covered by a thin layer of sweet green pulp. In a good year, trees can produce 20 or more fruits per square metre (about 11 square feet) of crown. Individual trees tend to alternate good and poor years.
Almendro fruit generally ripens between December and April, alleviating the prolonged and sometimes severe fruit shortage in the forest during that period. When a fruit crop ripens, numerous arboreal animals, including many species of birds, converge on the almendro canopy, and ground-dwelling animals seek out fruits that have fallen to the forest floor. Most of these animals simply eat the sweet pulp, but peccaries and rodents often gnaw through the wooden casing to reach the seed inside.

Given the competition for sunlight and nutrients and the risk of herbivory from insects dwelling in adult trees, young almendro plants must be located far from the parent tree in order to survive. Two animals are largely responsible for the dispersal and burial of almendro seeds throughout the forest. First, fruit bats (Artibeus lituratus) carry the fruits to feeding roosts far from the parent tree, where they eat the pulp and discard the seed pods. The dropped pods are then often found and buried by agoutis. Although most of the buried seeds are eventually dug up and eaten, some are overlooked and are able to sprout and grow. (See the rainforest ecosystem sidebar Hitching a Ride.)