- Related Topics:
- custard apple
- fruit
- atemoya
cherimoya, (Annona cherimola), tree of the custard apple family (Annonaceae). It is native to frost-free higher elevations throughout tropical America and is widely cultivated in the Old World tropics for its pulpy edible fruits weighing about 0.5 kg (1 pound). The fruit is usually consumed fresh or as a juice. The skin and seeds of the fruit contain a neurotoxin known as annonacin and should not be eaten.
The tree grows up to 9 metres (30 feet) tall but in cultivation is kept pruned to about 5 metres (16 feet) to permit hand pollination of the 2.5-centimetre (1-inch), fleshy, white, fragrant flowers. Cherimoya trees have long, elliptically shaped, light green, velvety leaves. The large, globose, pale green fruits are smooth or have round protrusions, and the flesh is white and pulpy with a sweet acid flavour. A few black, bean-size seeds are embedded in the pulp. The crushed seeds are used as insecticides in Mexico and Guatemala and as an external treatment for parasitic skin diseases.
The hybrid atemoya (Annona ×atemoya, produced by crossing a cherimoya with a sweetsop (A. squamosa), tastes like the cherimoya, ships better than either parent, and is less likely to split than the sweetsop.