cliff brake
- Also written:
- cliffbrake
- Related Topics:
- Pteridaceae
- button fern
- sickle fern
cliff brake, (genus Pellaea), any of about 40 species of ferns of the genus Pellaea (family Pteridaceae). Cliff brake ferns grow on or among rocks, mostly limestone, throughout the world. Several species, including button fern (Pellaea rotundifolia) and sickle fern (P. falcata), are grown as indoor ornamentals.
Cliff brakes are small plants with mostly leathery leaves emerging from a creeping rhizome. They are characterized by spore-bearing structures (sporangia) that occur in round or elongated clusters (sori) on the margins of fertile leaves. Overlapping leaf margins form a protective covering.
The name cliff brake is sometimes used for rock ferns or rock brakes, about four to seven species constituting the genus Cryptogramma, native to Europe, Asia, and the Americas. They differ from Pellaea species by having fronds that die back each winter and by their fertile leaflets, which are usually narrower than the vegetative ones.