- Also called:
- filbert, cobnut, or hazel
hazelnut, (genus Corylus), genus of about 15 species of shrubs and trees in the birch family (Betulaceae) and the edible nuts they produce. The plants are native to the north temperate zone. Several species are of commercial importance for their nuts, and a number are valuable hedgerow and ornamental trees grown for their colourful autumnal foliage. An oil from the European filbert, or common hazel (Corylus avellana), is used in food products, perfumes, and soaps; the tree yields a reddish white soft timber, useful for small articles such as tool handles and walking sticks.
Hazelnuts are deciduous; their leaves are alternate, serrate, obovate, and hairy. The plants range from 3 to 36 metres (10 to 120 feet) in height. In late winter a profusion of yellow male catkins and smaller red-centred clusters of female flowers appear on the same tree. The roundish or oblong brown nut, usually 1 to 4 cm (0.5 to 1.5 inches) long, is partly or wholly enclosed in a husk. The plants are deep-rooted moderately shade-tolerant trees that fruit best in well-drained soil and in full sun.
Choice nuts are produced by two Eurasian trees, the European filbert (Corylus avellana) and the giant hazel, or giant filbert (C. maxima), and by hybrids of these species with two American shrubs, the American hazelnut (C. americana) and the beaked hazelnut (C. cornuta). The large cobnut is a variety of the European filbert, and Lambert’s filbert is a variety of the giant filbert. Nuts produced by the Turkish hazelnut (C. colurna) are sold commercially as Constantinople nuts. The former common name for the genus was hazel; various species were termed filbert, hazelnut, or cobnut, depending on the relative length of the nut to its husk, but this distinction was found to be misleading.

The Jamaican cobnut (Omphalea triandra) has a similar flavour but is an unrelated plant of the family Euphorbiaceae.