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water shield
Water shield (Brasenia schreberi).
water shield
plant, Brasenia schreberi
Also known as: Brasenia schreberi
water shield, (Brasenia schreberi), small purple-flowered aquatic plant of the fanwort family (Cabombaceae), found in northern ponds and still waters throughout the world, except in Europe. “Water shield” also refers to fanwort (Cabomba).
Each oval, floating leaf of water shield is 5 to 10 centimetres (about 2 to 4 inches) long. A long, jelly-coated stem connects the middle of the leaf to rootstocks buried in mud. Several leafstalks of varying lengths rise from the main stalk. The flowers are small, 1.3 to 2 centimetres wide, and have three or four narrow petals; the small fruit is club shaped.