Chlamydomonas, genus of biflagellated single-celled green algae (family Chlamydomonadaceae) found in soil, ponds, and ditches. Chlamydomonas species can become so abundant as to colour fresh water green, and one species, C. nivalis, contains a red pigment known as hematochrome, which sometimes imparts a red colour to melting snow.
The cells of most Chlamydomonas species are more or less oval and feature a noncellulosic membrane (theca), a stigma (eyespot), and a usually cup-shaped chloroplast. Although photosynthesis occurs, nutrients also may be absorbed through the cell surface. Asexual reproduction is by zoospores. Sexual reproduction is by formation of gametes. The development of motility, sexual differentiation, and gamete fusion seems dependent on the production of substances (termones, gamones) that have a regulatory action similar to hormones.