Wendelin Werner
Wendelin Werner (born September 23, 1968, Cologne, West Germany [now in Germany]) is a German-born French mathematician who was awarded a Fields Medal in 2006 “for his contributions to the development of stochastic Loewner evolution, the geometry of two-dimensional Brownian motion, and conformal theory.”
Werner received a doctorate from the University of Paris VI (1993). In 1997 he became a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay, and he held that post until 2013, when he joined the faculty at ETH Zürich.
Brownian motion is the best-understood mathematical model of diffusion and is applicable in a wide variety of cases, such as the seepage of water or pollutants through rock. It is often invoked in the study of phase transitions, such as the freezing or boiling of water, in which the system undergoes what are called critical phenomena and becomes random at any scale. In 1982 the American physicist Kenneth G. Wilson received a Nobel Prize for his investigations into a seemingly universal property of physical systems near critical points, expressed as a power law and determined by the qualitative nature of the system and not its microscopic properties. In the 1990s, Wilson’s work was extended to the domain of conformal field theory, which relates to the string theory of fundamental particles. Rigorous theorems and geometrical insight, however, were lacking until the work of Werner and his collaborators gave the first picture of systems at and near their critical points.
Werner also verified a 1982 conjecture by the Polish mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot that the boundary of a random walk in the plane (a model for the diffusion of a molecule in a gas) has a fractal dimension of 4/3 (between a one-dimensional line and a two-dimensional plane). Werner also showed that there is a self-similarity property for these walks that derives from a property, only conjectural until his work, that various aspects of Brownian motion are conformally invariant. His other awards included a European Mathematical Society Prize (2000) and a Fermat Prize (2001).